Sunday, April 6, 2014

Who can top this as an excuse for not making the Reunion

We have a problem here at the finca, vampire bats biting our pedigree brahma bull's testicles. We have had to get him, his name is Ferinand or Fernando, into the corral, tie his legs together, wash his privste parts, examine them with our employee doing that, then plunging huge needles into his back side and shoulders and then attaching syringes full of anitiobiotics onto the needles and injecting him. Now we are giving him antiinflammatory meds as well and are hoping he doesn't also have brucellosis. We need to get a vet to come out there, whcih means we have to take him in our little boat down the Sierpe River for an hour and then just before the mouth of the river to the Pacific Ocean in through the mangroves to our finca shoreline and then hike into the pastures. And we have to come and go with the tide so have to make it quick when the vet is there. We usually stay for days at tiem when we go out and we are "unplugged" there, i.e. no electrricity except for a little from a small solar panel set up, no tv, no internet and cell phone signal only now and then and have to hang the phone in a shirt pocket of a shirt hanging from a rafter in the outdoor storage area.  We also have to participate in a joint effort with some other finca owners to put up huge nets around the cattle corrals at night, get all thecattle inside the corral first, then capture the bats at night, separate out the vampire bats from the fruit bats and cut the teeth of the vampire bats, then rub vampire bat poison on the backs of the vampire bats and hope they fly back to to their colonies and the others there will lick them clean and then they all are to die., pretty nasty stuff.   I thought I was doing rainforest tree reforestation but it seems I am in the cattle business for the moment.  In spite of all this it beats standing in line with a briefcase waiting for the courthouse doors to open in Long Beach or LA as I did for 30 years as a lawyer.  Now I still do legal work but from my computer, using Skype, email and all types of technology, it is a great way to work, watching iguanas out the window, or hearing howler monkeys in the trees or toucans or scarlet macaws eating water almonds which we planted just for them.  I do the legal work in town in an old United Fruit Co, house that we have in Palmar Sur.   Anyway, all this is to say, I'm not sure David and I will get to Gloria's in Palos Verdes by bus by May, 3, 2014.  but I am still hopeful i will get there. .  You can post this note anywhere you like.  A few photos attached.   
When the last date to r.s.v.p.?
Still hope to see everyone there.
Elsa Morris-Walker

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