Friday, January 31, 2014

Today marks 50 years ago that we graduated from San Pedro High School January 31, 1964

1 comment:

  1. About 8 o’clock tonight will make 50 years ago we graduated from San Pedro High School. I hope you have save the date of May 3, 2014 for our 50th year reunion. Some of us have not seen each other for 50 years and for some its been since the last reunion 10 years ago. Many of you have stayed in San Pedro and then many more have moved to all parts of United States. Mario Bozicevich lives in England. Elsa Morris lives in Costa Rica. Terry McCleary lives in Thailand. Catello Grimaldi in Italy. Some of our classmates have passed on and they are dearly missed. I really am enjoying being on the planning committee it’s been fun talking to many of you and I look forward to when we have the reunion. Gloria Small Wills is really excited about having you over her house for the reunion. Taxco Mexican Restaurant will be catering our reunion. If anyone has any pictures they would like to email me or stories about school that I could put on our Class Blog( please do so at ( Well it’s been 50 years I hope to be able to see many of you on May 3. God Bless Van Barbre
